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Video Demo

W4 explainer 2

Jul. 2022

8-Stage Step Sequencer


An 8-stage step sequencer is created. Users can control the pitch, velocity, and duration of each stage. They could specify these values in three ways: using the pitch and velocity grids, turning the knob object, or typing values into the number box. An "itable" object is configured in a way that whenever users change the pitch or velocity pattern, an uzi object would iterate and update all values. Furthermore, by using a "gswitch" to control signal flow, the MIDI messages outputted by the sequencer could be sent to the inbuilt VST (Serum) and external DAWs. One technical issue was the presence of unresolved notes that go on forever. This is resolved by letting an uzi object fire 128 MIDI note-off messages. Finally, I integrated Ableton Link into this patch so that the software could be used in conjunction with the powerful DAW.

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