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Text-to-image Generation Using Stable Diffusion

Deep Learning Algorithm

An implementation of a lightweight Variational Autoencoder, UNet, and pre-trained CLIP within a stable diffusion model in TensorFlow.


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Redlining Data Mapping 


A website designed using Java, React, and the MapBox API to display GeoJson and redlining data

Jun. 2022

Spaghetti Orchestra


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The ROLI Seaboard: Toward A New Understanding Of Musical Interfaces

Pioneer Research Program

STS Research Paper

This paper seeks to argue for an expanded conceptualization of how musicians interact with musical instruments, where software, hardware, and cultural components are analyzed as equal actors constituting the entire interaction.

Advisor: Professor Marianne de Laet | Harvey Mudd College


​Published in the September 2022 Issue of The Schola.

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Image-Driven Granular Synthesizer

JUCE Plug-in 

The image-driven granular synthesis algorithm allows users to manipulate source audio using imported image files. ​

Advisor: Professor Roger B. Dannenberg | Carnegie Mellon University

Prophet 5


Emulation of the analog Prophet-5 in MaxMSP.

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This hybrid drum machine contains an assortment of drum samples, bass lines, and vocal chops geared toward creating Midtempo Bass Music.

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FM Synth


An FM synthesizer with five presets, midi connections, and FM parameter adjustments.

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The GAN Color Organ:

Generate visual music using onset detection and HistoGAN

Deep Music Visualizer

The GAN Color Organ aims to fuse this tradition with AI-generated visuals by integrating audio feature extraction, generative adversarial networks (GAN), and color modification into one complete algorithm. Using this program, artists could create generative GAN-based music visualizations.



A polyphonic wavetable synthesizer that includes allows for waveform interpolation, filter envelope control, additive synthesis, waveform switching and reverb.

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Environmental Soundboard


An environmental soundboard that creates generative ambient piano music and generates real-time visualizations. The project is inspired by Brian Eno's asynchronous loop techniques.

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Spaghetti Orchestra


This patch uses the coll object to generate chords and melodies in the Gb Lydian scale. The probabilistically generated cords are played by the piano, violin, and viola in different rhythms.

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Random 808 (a play on Roland's famous Drum Machine, RC-808) adds randomness to drum patterns imputed by the user.

The 16-stage drum sequencer triggers drum samples from the vst drum machine according to the triggering probability and velocity range defined by the users. 

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8-Stage Step Sequencer


An 8-stage step sequencer is created. Users can control the pitch, velocity, and duration of each stage. They could specify these values in three ways: using the pitch and velocity grids, turning the knob object, or typing values into the number box.


Novation Launchkey MIDI Monitor


Loadbang was utilized in conjunction with the umenu object to create a section where users could select their desired MIDI controller. However the monitoring UI is designed specifically for my Launchkey MINI MK3.

Multi-Split Instrument


A multi-split instrument configured with 8 snapshots that represent different effects combinations; adjustable transposition and chord voices using number boxes; a split object that routes midi signals greater than C4 to another VST instrument; a simple gray panel as the user interface; and the unmenu object to select MIDI input.

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Interactive Visual Artwork Using MIRA


A patch that generates random shape configurations with crossfade controlled by the fader. The project is based on the website tutorial, "Rainy/Snowy Day Max, Part II: Meshes and 3D Spirographics"

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